About Us
The CCTFI is an environmental service provider established primarily to help the electroplating industry treat and dispose its hazardous wastes properly. CCTFI is an accredited ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System).
Electroplating generates contaminated wastewater containing heavy metals like chromium, nickel, and zinc as well as cyanide, acids and alkaline solutions from baths and rinse water. Most of the electroplating firms directly discharged their waste water into sewage systems, canals, and lagoons. For this reason, the industry became the center point of assistance by the GTZ (German Cooperation for Technical Assistance) through NEDA (National Economic and Development Authority) and DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources).
CCTFI was established on July 1996 as an outcome of the former GTZ-assisted Industrial Pollution Control Cebu Project conducted by the DENR. Its commercial operation started late 1998. It is organized as a private corporation jointly owned by the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CCCI) and the Cebu Electroplaters Association (CEA). It initially focused its services on small and medium scale electroplaters who do not have the resources or the access to capital to build their own treatment facilities as required by law. Over time, CCTFI has expanded its services to other manufacturing companies producing contaminated waste water, sludges, busted fluorescent lamps and electronic wastes.

Industry Overview
Electroplating, which provides a stronger quality of metal, is considered as one of Metro Cebu’s essential support services. However, electroplating has the disadvantage of having heavy metals such as zinc, nickel, copper, iron and toxins like lead, cyanide and hexavalent chromium in its waste streams, which may contaminate groundwater sources if discharged untreated.
The Cebu Common Treatment Facility Inc. (CCTFI) was established primarily to answer the metal finishing industry’s need for a treatment facility for their toxic and hazardous wastewater and sludge.
Company Description
CCTFI is a treatment facility for hazardous wastes generated by the electroplating industry, and other industries producing the same kind of waste. Its establishment in 1996 was an outcome of the former Industrial Pollution Control Project in Cebu of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ). CCTFI is a private company jointly owned by the Cebu Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI) and the Cebu Electroplaters Association (CEA).
CCTFI is an accredited treatment, transporter, storage and disposal facility of hazardous wastes by the DENR.
Environmental Policy
The Cebu Common Treatment Facility, Inc. (CCTFI) is a company committed to excellence and leadership in environmental protection and preservation.
In keeping with this policy, CCTFI commits to practices that:
Comply with applicable environmental legislation and regulations and other environmental requirements to which CCTFI subscribes.
Improve internal performance through environmentally-sound hazardous waste transport, and inorganic hazardous waste storage, treatment and disposal procedures.
Eliminate and/or reduce, wherever possible, the use of toxic substances,the generation of hazardous wastes, and the release of toxic pollutants, as well as any undesireable impacts they may have on the environment; in water, in land, or in air.
Promote cooperation and coordination between industry, government and the public toward the shared goal of preventing pollution and environmental degradation.
Facilitate the availability of this policy to the public.
Furthermore, CCTFI is committed to the continual improvement of its environmental performance through environmental objectives and targets and reviewing of the success of its activities.
The following are the types of hazardous waste CCTFI is capable to treat:
A101 – Waste with Cyanide
B201 – B299 – Acid Wastes
C301 – C399 – Alkali Wastes
D401 – D499 – Waste with Inorganic Chemicals
G703 – Halogenated Organic Solvent
G704 - Non-Halogenated Organic Solvent
F601 – F699 – Inks/Dyes/Pigments/Paint/Latex/Adhesives/Organic Sludge
I101 – waste oil/interceptor sludge/oil and water mixture
- D407 - Busted Flourescent Lamp (BFL)
J201 - Contaminated Materials
M506 - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipments (WEEE)
CCTFI’s capability on treating oil-water mixture depends on the nature and concentration of the oil. Samples will first be analyzed and thoroughly studied by CTF’s technical team prior to acceptance.
With the treatment of waste water and sludge, CCTFI protects public health and the environment from unreasonably high risks of heavy metals contamination and other chemical contaminations brought about by improper disposal of hazardous wastes.